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'Swan' Takes Flight at the Festival of Visual Arts 2022

As an artist, I am thrilled to have participated in the Festival of Visual Arts 2022 in Bielsko-Biała, which featured a diverse range of artworks and creative events. The opening reception was held on Friday, June 24th, 2022, and the exhibition is set to run until August 28th of the same year. Visitors throughout the summer will have the opportunity to view the exhibition, including not only local residents and visitors to the region, but also tourists from around the world.

"Swan" painting at Festival of Visual Arts

My painting, entitled "Swan", was on display during the festival and received a heart warming attention and positive feedback from viewers. It was a wonderful feeling to know that my work had made an impact on visitors and was appreciated by the public.

Throughout the festival, there were a variety of artistic and educational events taking place alongside the exhibitions, providing a truly immersive and engaging experience for visitors. I was particularly impressed by the jazz music performances that took place on the opening weekend, which were part of the 24th Bielska Zadymka Jazzowa festival, held in the city's main square.

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