I'm very proud to say that the spring issue of the Open Call Magazine is now presenting my works. The editors have appreciated my unconventional subjects.
"They're full of humor and grotesque. I was charmed by the fascination with bicycles and machines. Cohesive and harmonious colors. It's pleasant to look at".* - says the art promoter and the culture journalist, Łukasz Radwan.
Open Call Magazine is an art and fashion periodic distributed in galleries, prestigious bookstores, selected art places and during fashion weeks in Milan, Warsaw and London. It's full of interesting articles from the field of conceptual art, photography and trends in high fashion. I'm glad to have my small part in this great entourage.
*Original text: "Pełne humoru i groteski.Urzekła mnie fascynacja rowerami i maszynami.Spójna i harmonijna kolorystyka.Dobrze się ogląda".